Thursday, January 15, 2004

Train pals

At 11 degrees and 6 inches of snow, I felt it would be the perfect time to walk to the train station this morning. Evidently, the liiiitle bit of snow kept all the regulars off the train. I didn't realize just how much I missed the old gang. Let's see. There's Stinky. Coffee. Egg Muffin. Notre Dame. Faux Fur. Wen Ho. Loud. Patty and Selma. Schnauzer Face. Reads The Daily News Out Loud. Bad Moustache. Shirtsleeves. Emphysema. Character Actor. Gets Off At Babylon. The Spit. Nurse. Fun Neckties. Ruddy. No-Name Neighbor. Yacht Club. The Golfer. Hands Off My Pine-Sol. Men's Health. Tote Bag. Work Overalls his loyal sidekick Bucket. Fat Legs. Three-Seater. Frequent Urination. Cell Phone. (sigh) Good friends all.

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