Wednesday, July 2, 2003

NOT a Cobb salad

Okay, here’s the deal, Pret. A mixed green salad with walnuts, blue cheese, dried cranberries, diced chicken, and balsamic vinaigrette is a really tasty salad. I have no problem with it at all. However – and let me make this abundantly clear – it is not a fucking Cobb Salad. Would you stop calling it one? We won’t like you any less, and we know that you’ve got lots of bacon back there. You put it on all the other stuff you make.

The subways were basically shut down all day today because of a few anthrax/terror suspicions. It turns out that the unattended bag full of soggy white powder wasn’t anthrax or some chemical weapon. So it was obviously perfectly at home on the rush-hour 9 train! I’m out of the city until Monday. Maybe they’ll restore service by then.

It’s pretty sad that Buddy Hackett died two days ago, and the Flyers still signed him to play goal. Even sadder that I insist upon making that joke when it’s so lame.

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