Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Cynicor Jumble: Answer for 4/5/2006

The answer to yesterday's Cynicor Jumble was: EUNDSAESC. Winners to be announced shortly.

1 comment:

metamerist said...

I hate to say it, but I believe there were a couple of errors in this last puzzle.

First, "Johnny Marr" isn't spelled "EUNDSAESC".

Second, "Johnny Marr" is the wrong answer.

Given your recent review of his album, I think you should know the answer is Morrissey.

I hope that doesn't sound too bitter, but Ruth's Chris...

Free factoid: Did you know Morrissey directed Warhol's films Flesh, Trash and Heat? Hence, the Joe Dallesandro Flesh shot on their early eponymous album (the one with the better version of Charming Man).

Then, again, maybe I'm wrong. It's not easy keeping all the Morrisseys of the world straight.